Tag: French Tech

Welcoming Anne Pruvot, CEO of SNCF Connect & Tech, to FutureTravel Summit 2024

We’re excited to announce that Anne Pruvot, CEO of SNCF Connect & Tech, will be joining us as a keynote speaker at the FutureTravel Summit 2024! SNCF Connect & Tech, the digital subsidiary of SNCF Voyageurs, is an entity that brings together the customer digital skills of the SNCF group. Focused on sustainable mobility, they operate SNCF […]

Introducing Alexandre Guinefolleau: CEO of Amenitiz Joins FutureTravel Summit

We are excited to introduce Alexandre Guinefolleau, the CEO and Co-founder of Amenitiz, a fast growing European startup that is revolutionizing the hospitality industry. With a deep understanding of the hospitality landscape and a strong sense of purpose, Alexandre is leading Amenitiz in providing a comprehensive platform that helps independent hospitality professionals thrive in today’s […]